
Well, a little lot of sadness and furious i get today.
I feel like a thousand and a million stabbing my heart.
Tears flow down my cheeks. No one cares about me.
Yes no one.

Or maybe im not realise ?
The presence of their concerns ?

I think not.

*flashback yesterday*

I walked out from my class. There a bitch outside the door. Waiting for him.
Opss. not bitch. a girl. sorry for the impolite word. ahahahaha -_-

I said loudly : " Rachel laa! Dia tunggu coffee !"
Tira is calming me. I yelled again : " Aku benci Rachel !"
Tira worried about me.
I know it was wrong. Who cares ?
I just want to let my anger go !
Louder and louder !
Or maybe that girl look at me unsatisfied. maybe ?
I don't care ! You wanna say i don't have boyfriend?
OK! I'll find better than yours !

Not just the girl i Hate !
And the boy too !
Maybe today i say i love him. i 'll change myself soon.

Wait and see.

I'll let both of you go.
And let me be and free.

Liyana Qiestina is Me. I'm a starry nebula in a wide galaxy.

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